Web Resources

Positive Social Media Pages
Adios Barbie
HAES Community
Joy Project
Medicinal Marzipan
Mentor Connect
Mind Body Green – Body Image
Operation Beautiful
Rosie Molinary
Seventeen’s Body Peace Blog
The Body Image Project
Weightless on Psych Central
Ambassadors of Hope
Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders
ANRED is a nonprofit organization that provides information about anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and other lesser known food and weight disorders. Their material includes self-help tips and information about recovery and prevention.
BEDA – Binge Eating Disorders Association
Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) was founded to help those who have binge-eating disorder, their friends and family and those who treat the disorder. BEDA provides individuals who suffer from binge-eating disorder with the recognition and resources they deserve to begin a safe journey toward a healthy recovery. BEDA also serves as a resource for treatment providers to prevent, detect, diagnose and treat the disorder.
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research.
Diabulimia Helpline
The Diabulimia Helpline is a nonprofit organization dedicated to education, support and advocacy for diabetics with eating disorders and their loved ones. They have a 24-hour hotline available by calling 425-985-3635.
Eating Disorders Coalition
Eating Disorders Coalition was developed to advance the federal recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority.
Eating Disorder Hope
Eating Disorder Hope™ offers education, support and inspiration to eating disorder sufferers, their loved ones and eating-disorders treatment providers. Eating Disorder Hope resources include articles on eating-disorder treatment options, support groups, recovery tools and more. Whether an individual struggles with bulimia, anorexia, body-image distortion or binge-eating disorder, Eating Disorder Hope can help.
Hynes Recovery Services
Hynes Recovery Services offers students the opportunity to be fully supported in their recovery from an eating disorder. We are equipped to handle students in the early stages of an eating disorder as well as those that may have been living with the devastating effects of this illness for some time. Students and their families will receive not only information and education regarding all aspects of a loved one’s eating disorder, they will also have the opportunity to be connected to the top eating-disorder experts in their geographical area. Oftentimes, students may be seeing treatment providers on a regular basis, but still need additional support. We offer important additional supports crucial to one’s continued recovery. These include care coordination, transitional support following a discharge from inpatient or residential facilities and support for students during the transitional period from highschool to college.
F.E.A.S.T. is an international organization of and for parents and caregivers to help loved ones recover from eating disorders. The group provides information and mutual support, promotes evidence-based treatment and advocates for research and education to reduce the suffering associated with eating disorders.
MEDA – Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association
MEDA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating. MEDA’s mission is to prevent the continuing spread of eating disorders through educational awareness and early detection. MEDA serves as a support network and resource for clients, loved ones, clinicians, educators and the general public.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research.It is steadfast in its commitment to raising awareness and building a community of hope for all of those in need.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc. (ANAD) is a nonprofit corporation that seeks to prevent and alleviate the problems of eating disorders, especially including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. ANAD advocates for the development of healthy attitudes, bodies and behaviors. Additionally it promotes eating-disorder awareness, prevention and recovery through supporting, educating and connecting individuals, families and professionals.
NEDA – National Eating Disorders Association
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. We campaign for prevention, improved access to quality treatment and increased research funding to better understand and treat eating disorders. We work with partners and volunteers to develop programs and tools to help everyone who seeks assistance.
National Eating Disorders Screening Program
Screening for Mental Health offers eating-disorder screening programs for colleges and universities, community-based organizations and businesses.
National Institute of Mental Health
The mission of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery and a cure. For the Institute to continue fulfilling this vital public health mission, it must foster innovative thinking and ensure that a full array of novel scientific perspectives are used to further discovery in the evolving science of brain, behavior and experience. In this way, breakthroughs in science can become breakthroughs for all people with mental illnesses.
The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness
The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness (The Alliance) is dedicated to providing programs and activities aimed at outreach and education related to health promotion, including all eating disorders, positive body image and self-esteem. The Alliance is committed to the advocacy, awareness and funding for eating-disorders prevention.
We Are Diabetes
We Are Diabetes is an organization primarily devoted to promoting support and awareness for type 1 diabetics who suffer from eating disorders. We are dedicated to providing guidance, hope and resources to those who may be struggling, as well as to their families and loved ones.