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Special Topics

Eating Disorder Awareness and Early Intervention

While COVID-19 is thankfully on the decline, the “sub pandemic in behavioral health is continuing to get worse.” Walden’s AVP of Clinical Operations, Rebekah Bardwell Doweyko, LPC, recently spoke with FOX 61 about common misconceptions about eating disorders [...]

How Do I Find the Right OSFED Treatment?

Finding the “right” treatment for eating disorders can be such an arduous task that it often keeps people from finding any treatment. Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, shortened to OSFED, appeared as a [...]

The Irony in Orthorexia

The trouble with orthorexia is that it starts out as an attempt to improve our health and wellness.  Would you worry that any of these people had orthorexia? The seventh-grader who adopts a vegan [...]

ARFID: Finding Treatment That Works

“It’s a phase.” “They’ll outgrow it.” “If they get hungry enough, they’ll eat.” Parents and caregivers of those who struggle with ARFID know these statements all too well. Unfortunately, these statements do not accurately describe [...]

Wellness Over Weight Loss

After decades of yo-yo dieting at the hands of weight loss clubs, fitness apps, miracle-cure revealing books, celebrity-endorsed plans, and all manner of “have the body you’ve always wanted” marketing, what a relief it [...]

Is there a link between ADHD and Eating Disorders?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a medical condition associated with difficulty concentrating, staying organized and controlling impulses. Although people with this diagnosis may appear to be bursting with energy, they have trouble channeling that energy effectively and controlling their impulsivity. They may act before they’ve thought things through, speak out of turn or say things they later regret. Because of poor planning, missed appointments and forgotten details, both personal and work relationships may suffer.